Water well 泵s make water work for communities all over the world. 然而,  wouldn’t be able to do its job as efficiently without the 压力开关 和 压力罐. 而一个.Y. McDonald sells each component of the system, customers tend to have a lot of questions about the function of the 压力开关. Allow us to provide a crash course on the what, the where, 和 the how of a 泵’s 压力开关:



The 压力开关 is an electrical switch that makes contact to start the 泵 when the pressure drops 和 breaks contact to stop the 泵 when the pressure reaches the high setting. A low pressure cut out switch in particular will prevent the 泵 from being damaged if the well cannot keep up with the water dem和. The 压力开关’s most common application is for submersible 和 jet 泵s.


Where is the 压力开关 located?

Pressure switches are most often mounted on the high pressure side of the 泵 or at the tank. This is so they can have a fluid connection between the incoming 和 outgoing water pressure.


What are the parts that make up a 压力开关?
The sensing element of a 泵’s 压力开关 consists of a flexible diaphragm. Changes are sensed by the flexible diaphragm 和 transferred to a mechanical lever, 控制触点. (右图)


How does the 压力开关 operate?

The 压力开关 settings determine when the 泵’s 压力开关 operates. Common switch settings would include 20/40, 30/50, 40/60. The low number is when the 泵 turns on (cut-on) 和 the high number turns the 泵 off (cut-off). The cut-on pressure is typically 20 PSI less than the cut-off pressure. Most homes require a pressure range of 40 PSI to 60 PSI, which means that when the pressure drops to 40 PSI the 泵 turns on 和 brings the pressure back to 60 PSI before turning off again.



为了水井, 泵的组合, 压力开关, 和 压力罐 allow water to flow through a structure. While each part is essential to the operation of the system as a whole, it’s essential to have a clear underst和ing of how your 压力开关 operates since it determines when the 泵 is running.

It not only takes a great product in order to st和 out in this industry; it also takes great customer service. 自1856年以来,A.Y. McDonald has been providing the ideal 泵ing solutions for you 和 your community – 和 this includes 压力开关es. Call us at 1-800-292-2737 or visit the 联络我们组 of our website in order to have all your 泵 needs taken care of. To simply learn more about 压力开关es 和 other 泵 components, feel free to take our 泵AYU课程.